Choose the level of membership that best suits you.
Pick the membership level below that best matches your needs.
Sign up in less than five minutes and take advantage of many resources, tools, and networking.
We will review your application to get you on the right track, so if you choose the wrong membership level we will take care of it.
Professional Membership
For professionals working in the design industry who are serious about improving their craft, this is an excellent option. This level of membership gives you access to surveys, our newsletter, online webinars, promotions, corporate discounts, and more.
Professional Members receive a vote in the Annual Board of Directors Election.
Annual Dues are $120.00 per year.
Membership fees are non-refundable.
(BOABC registrants, PIBC registrants, government officials, educators, students, see Affiliate Membership below.)
Professional Affiliate Membership
For builders, developers, suppliers, manufacturers, business owners, employees of design firms, and others working in the construction industry but not as a designer. This level of membership gives you access to surveys, our newsletter, online webinars, promotions, corporate discounts, and more. Professional Members receive a vote in the Annual Board of Directors Election.
Annual Dues are $120.00 per year.
Membership fees are non-refundable.
(BOABC registrants, PIBC registrants, government officials, educators, students, see Affiliate Membership below.)
Affiliate Membership
BCABD is focused on building strong ties with all parties in the construction community, this level of membership is designed for building officials, municipal planners, government officials, educators, students. For those who qualify, Affiliate membership is FREE and provides limited access to BCABD online webinars, promotions, corporate discounts, and more.
Affiliate members are non-voting.
(Individuals who fit the description of an Affiliate but also work as a Building Designer, Development Planner, or Interior Designer must apply for either Professional or Professional Affiliate Membership.)