Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between a Residential Designer and a Building Designer?
The two designations are for the most part interchangeable with the title Building Designer being the more encompassing of the two. A Residential Designer generally refers to a person who provides design services for residential buildings only. A Building Designer designs both residential and commercial buildings. If a person practicing design wants to distinguish that they only do home design they may prefer to use the title of Residential Designer, but they would still be considered a Building Designer.
Does becoming a member of BCABD certify me to practice design in British Columbia?
No, membership is not a certification to practice building design. The purpose of BCABD is to be a resource to those practicing design in BC, providing education, networking, and support to it’s members. For certification as a Certified Residential Designer or a Registered Building Designer we encourage all members to contact ASTTBC Building Designers. All ASTTBC Building Designers receive full professional level membership with BCABD for free.
Can I use the BCABD logo on my website, emails or plan sets?
Professional level members may use the BCABD logo on their websites, emails, or plan sets only after they have received specific approval to do so in writing by BCABD. In most cases a review of sample drawings and possibly references would be required to ensure your drawings meet minimum standards as construction documents. As ASTTBC members have already gone through an extensive review process, in most cases such sample documents would not be required. In any case the purpose of displaying the BCABD logo would strictly be to show you are a designer that is striving for excellence in your profession and would not indicate any level of certification. BCABD would also take no responsibility for the work that is done by anyone using the logo or anyone who is a member. The use of the logo on any website would also require that the logo be backlinked to the www.bcabd.org website.
How does being a member of BCABD benefit me?
Even free membership with BCABD opens up resources, education and networking to help you work as a design professional that can’t be found anywhere else. It puts you in association with the provinces leading designers and design firms to benefit from their experience. It gives you a voice to protect your right to continue designing in British Columbia, and will help keep you up to date with all impending legislation that may affect your work.
I’m not a designer, why should I join?
Everyone involved in construction in British Columbia, from a home owner having a small house built to a developer building a subdivision of homes, the issues facing building designers also face you. In the next few years legislation will be put into place that will either protect or eliminate the right of building designers or private individuals from designing homes or small buildings without an Architect. Imagine paying 400% to 700% more for your home or building plans than what you are paying to a designer. Every member of BCABD adds to the voice to let all in the construction industry know that building designers are vital to the construction industry.
How is BCABD funded?
BCABD relies primarily on volunteer support and donations from members and sponsors. The money collected for annual fees primarily goes to cover communication, setup and billing for members, as well as helps cover the cost of the website, telephone, and other operating costs. BCABD appreciates all who make themselves willing to volunteer or donate their time, resources and experience.