
BCABD is working to bring together resources for designers and others in the construction industry.


BCABD Building Designers App




The BC Building Code Appeal Board has heard you say that their process is too slow. In response, the Board is piloting a twice-a-month schedule, with meetings scheduled for the first and third Thursdays of each month.   The objective is to keep your projects and processes on track by resolving Code disputes more quickly. Applications received no later than 15 calendar days prior to each meeting will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting.

Building Code Appeal Board
Address: Unit 1270-605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5J3



BC Fire Smart

Taking action to help clients FireSmart their properties will dramatically decrease the risk of wildfire damaging their homes. Click the link below for tips on how to FireSmart properties.




Cascadia Windows R-Value Calculator

Cascadia Windows R-Value Calculator

This calculator simplifies area-weighted R-value or U-value calculations. Inputs for R-value or U-value are imperial units only. 

Use it to find combined thermal resistance, based on the effect of multiple assemblies.

2024 BC Building Code

The BC Codes 2024 will come into effect on March 8, 2024 and will apply to building permits applied for on or after that date. Buildings with permits in place under the BC Codes 2018 will generally not be affected by the adoption of the new BC Codes. (Note: Some provisions of the new code will not come into effect until March 2025, see below.)

The following are code provisions to be adopted in March 2025:

  • requiring 100% adaptable dwellings in large condominium and apartment buildings and some first-floor dwelling units in new small apartments and condominiums with shared entrances and common corridors to be adaptable (effective March 2025);

  • reinforcement of bathroom walls to allow future installation of grab bars (effective March 2025);

  • early adopting national provisions to improve earthquake design changes for housing and small buildings with high seismic hazard values (effective March 2025);

Note about Farm Buildings and Care Occupancies: New National Code content for large farm buildings and farm building equipment as well as un-sprinklered home-type care occupancies have not been adopted. The Province will be conducting further analysis on these matters. The National Farm Building Code of Canada 1995 continues to apply to farm buildings.



Small Scale Multi-unit (Missing Middle) Legislation Quick Review

Here is a summary of the new legislation intended to provide more small scale multi-unit housing. With this legislation the BC Government is essentially ending single family zoning in much of the province by requiring municipalities to do a number of things in order to legalize low-rise infill housing including:

  1. Allow secondary suites within homes or ADUs (garden suites).  Local governments will be able to decide whether to allow suites, ADUs, or both.

  2. Allow a minimum of 3 dwelling units on lots up to 280 sq.m. (3014 sq.ft.) in parcel area.

  3. Allow a minimum of 4 dwelling units on lots over 280 sq.m. (3014 sq.ft.) in parcel area.

  4. Allow a minimum of 6 dwelling units on lots within 400 m. distance of frequent transit.  Municipalities cannot impose parking minimums in those areas.  Frequent transit is defined in the regulations as a bus stop that has at least one route with an average of 15 minute service from Monday to Friday 7 am-7 pm and 10 am-6 pm on weekends.

The standards for secondary suites apply everywhere in the province, whereas the requirements for 3-6 dwelling units applies only in municipalities with a population over 5000 people, and on lots that: 1) are within the urban containment boundary, 2) are on municipal sewer (not septic), and 3) are not heritage protected.

Under the new process, municipalities will need to update their housing needs reports based on standards set by the province (guidance is coming February 2024).  They will then need to update their Official Community Plans (OCP) to accommodate at least 20 years of projected growth, and then update Zoning Bylaws to match the OCP.  That would mean projects compliant with the official community plan would proceed much more quickly without a discretionary rezoning process or a requirement for a public hearing (Projects that are not allowed in the OCP would continue to require a full rezoning process including public hearings.).  Under the new legislation OCP’s are required to be updated every 5 years.

Municipalities must complete their updated housing needs reports by Dec 31, 2024, and must have updated their OCP’s and Zoning Bylaws to match the report by Dec 31, 2025.



Provincial Policy Manual & Site Standards

While the legislation establishes the framework for the new rules, the details describing how these changes work on the ground are set out in regulation, and site standards and expectations around development are laid out in a Provincial policy manual.

Small-scale, multi-unit housing describes a range of buildings and housing units that can provide attainable housing for middle-income families. Examples of small-scale, multi-unit housing include: 




Beginning May 1, 2023, all areas of the province will be required to meet a minimum of Step 3 of the Energy Step Code. It is important to understand the importance of the primary air barrier in meeting the requirements for air tightness. The DuPont Tyvek Air Barrier Installation Guidelines are a helpful tool in understanding how to create a continuous air barrier.


This handbook aims to help building officials, builders, and trade professionals better understand what constitutes a high performance building under the new BC Energy Step Code. It will also help the officials navigate the process of what will meet the Step Code criteria.




Download the slides from the February 16th and 21st, 2023 BCABD Special Events showing a breakdown of the new Architects Regulation reserved practice for Architects and it’s impact on Building Designers.



Revision 5: 2018 BC Building Code

For Part 9 buildings the revisions introduce 1) the Zero Carbon Step Code, an opt-in building carbon pollution standard for operational carbon, 2) a prescriptive option for Step 3, Part 9 buildings if a local government passes an enabling bylaw, 3) more airtightness testing options, 4) new energy performance improvement calculations. The changes will apply to building permits applied for on or after May 1, 2023.



Fire Resistance Rating and Sound Transmission in Residential Buildings

Fire Resistance Rating & Sound Transmission Class Online Tool

buildABILITY Corporation developed an online web-based application for users to search, sort, and reference Fire Resistance Ratings (FRR) of wood assemblies approved by the National Building Code. The application included the STCs and FRRs of wall, roof, and floor wood assemblies. The approved wood assemblies are based on the FRR tables in Division B Appendix D Section 2.3 of the National Building Code. STC ratings from Part 9 of the NBC, Table are also included. In total, there are over 2,400 unique assemblies for users to search from.

CMHC: Fire and Sound Control in Wood-Frame Multi-family Buildings

This Guide shows how the spread of fire and the transmission of sound between dwelling units can be controlled in wood-frame, multi-family buildings. It focuses on how the spread of fire and transmission of sound can be controlled through the design and construction of the walls and floors that separate one dwelling unit from another in a building. It relies on the results of research performed by National Research Council of Canada/Institute forResearch in Construction (NRC/IRC) and consultants for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), among others.

Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute Design Guide

This publication is intended as a guide for designers, specifiers and users of lightweight steel framing (LSF).

CWC: Fire Resistance and Sound Transmission

The intent of this brochure is to demonstrate how wood frame buildings meet code requirements by providing examples of wood-based light frame building systems designed to maximize fire safety and minimize sound transmission.

BC Building Code 2018: Fire and Sound Resistance Tables

Where a fire-resistance rating or a fire-protection rating is required in Part 9 of the BC Building Code 2018 for an element of a building, such rating shall be determined in conformance with the the test methods described in Part 3, or the calculation method presented in Appendix D, or the construction specifications presented in Tables and

cUL U301 2 hr Rated Combustible Wall

Interior Partition - Wood Stud (Load-Bearing). Fire Rating, 2 hours. System STC, 40. System Thickness, 8 in.

SBCA: Fire Resistance Rated Truss Assemblies

A fire endurance rating may be mandated by code for many of the applications where trusses could be used in floor/ceiling, roof/ceiling or in attic separation applications. This Research Report discusses 5 different methods for determining fire resistance.
A Building Designer may submit to a code jurisdiction a fire resistance rated design incorporating metal plate connected wood trusses using any of the five methods allowed by Section 703.3. If it is not a listed design, the Building Designer should submit details regarding how the submitted design was determined and show how it complies with the intent of the building code.

Trus Joist Fire-Rated Assemblies
and Sprinkler Systems

Fire-related design information for TJI joists and TimberStrand LSL, Microllam LVL and Parallam PSL, plus sprinkler system details.



National Building Code of Canada: 2020

The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 2020, developed by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes and published by the National Research Council of Canada, sets out technical requirements for the design and construction of new buildings, as well as the alteration, change of use and demolition of existing buildings. Over 280 technical changes have been incorporated in this new edition, improving the level of safety, health, accessibility, fire and structural protection, and energy efficiency provided by the Code, and expanding the NBC into new areas. Significant changes in the NBC 2020 • Technical requirements for large farm buildings are added, which address fire protection, occupant safety, structural design, and heating, ventilating and air-conditioning. • Encapsulated mass timber construction is introduced, enabling the construction of wood buildings with up to 12 storeys. • Accessibility requirements are updated to reduce barriers related to anthropometrics, plumbing facilities, signage, entrances and elevators. • Design requirements for evaporative equipment are revised to minimize the growth and transmission of Legionella and other bacteria. • A home-type care occupancy is introduced to allow safe and affordable care in a home-type setting. • Energy performance tiers are established to provide a framework for achieving higher levels of energy efficiency in housing and small buildings.

Illustrated User's Guide: NBC 2015 Part 9 of Division B: Housing and Small Buildings

The purpose of this Guide is to help Code users understand and apply the provisions in Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC). It is a companion document to NBC Part 9—not a stand-alone document. This Guide has no legal status and is not intended for formal adoption: its purpose is solely informational. Sketches and diagrams illustrate principles only; other methods of satisfying the requirements may be equally valid. If there are cases where text in the Guide conflicts with a requirement in the NBC, the NBC requirement governs. As the BC Building Code 2018 is based on the NBC 2015 this guide is helpful for BC Building Designers and Officials.

The National Farm Building Code of Canada (NFBC) 1995

The British Columbia Building Code provides jurisdictional authority for farm buildings to be designed and constructed under the National Farm Building Code of Canada. Most farm building construction in regulated areas of the province are subject to applicable local government building bylaws and permits.

The National Farm Building Code of Canada (NFBC) 1995 provides relaxations of the requirements in the National Building Code (NBC) to address the particular needs of farm buildings. It applies to farm buildings of low human occupancy and contains minimum requirements on matters affecting human health, fire safety and structural sufficiency. All dwelling units on a farm, as well as farm buildings that do not qualify as a "low human occupancy" (i.e. an occupant load of not more than one person for each 40 m2) must comply with the NBC or the applicable provincial code.

See also the Canadian Farm Buildings Handbook for Spatial Separations and other construction details.


Building Designers can design Farm buildings up to 470 m2 of aggregate area without the need for an architect or engineer. A Building Designer can work with an engineer on Farm Buildings larger than 470 m2 of aggregate area. Schedule 1 of the Architects Act allows an engineer to design any building classified as a Farm Building without an engineer regardless of size. This exception is due to the fact that Farm Buildings are generally considered to have low human occupancy and contains minimum requirements on matters affecting human health, fire safety and structural sufficiency. All dwelling units on a farm, as well as farm buildings that do not qualify as a "low human occupancy" (i.e. an occupant load of not more than one person for each 40 m2) must comply with the current edition of the BC Building Code. Farm Buildings in British Columbia are required to be designed and built in accordance with the The National Farm Building Code of Canada (NFBC) 1995. The National Building Code of Canada 2020 has added a building classification Group G Farm Buildings and a new section Part 2 Farm Buildings which applies to Farm Buildings with a building area of more than 600 m2 and taller than 3 storeys in building height. Part 2 may act as a guide for Building Designers and Engineers for larger Farm Buildings not covered by the NFBC, possibly this Part 2 will be included in future editions of the BCBC.

Schedule 1 of the Architect Regulation outlines the instances where an engineer can do a project and an architect is not required, the definition of 1(f) “a farm building as defined in the building code that is within an industrial occupancy type” is one of the instances.

Farm building means a building or part thereof that does not contain a residential occupancy and that is associated with and located on land devoted to the practice of farming, and used essentially for the housing of equipment or livestock, or the production, storage or processing of agricultural and horticultural produce or feeds. (See Note A- - BCBC 2018

Notes to Part 1 - Farm buildings as defined in Article include, but are not limited to, produce storage and packing facilities, livestock and poultry housing, milking centres, manure storage facilities, grain bins, silos, feed preparation centres, farm workshops, greenhouses, farm retail centres, and horse riding, exercise and training facilities. Farm buildings may be classed as low or high human occupancy, depending on the occupant load. Examples of farm buildings likely to be classed as low human occupancy as defined in Article1.2.1.2. of the National Farm Building Code of Canada are livestock and poultry housing, manure and machinery storage facilities and horse exercise and training facilities where no bleachers or viewing area are provided. Examples of farm buildings that would be classed as other than low human occupancy include farm retail centres for feeds, horticultural and livestock produce, auction barns and show areas where bleachers or other public facilities are provided. Farmwork centres where the number of workers frequently exceeds the limit for low human occupancy will also be in this category. It is possible to have areas of both high and low human occupancy in the same building provided that the structural safety and fire separation requirements for high human occupancy are met in the part thus designated. - BCBC 2018



Guide to the Letters of Assurance

Letters of Assurance are standardized, legal accountability documents that are required for Part 3 and some Part 9 buildings in the BC Building Code and Vancouver Building By-law. They are intended to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of registered professionals in a construction project.

The Guide to the Letters of Assurance in the BC Building Code 2018 and Vancouver Building By-law 2019 (PDF) is an important reference to consult. The guide provides an overview of

  • The scope and intent of the Letters of Assurance

  • The roles and responsibilities of individuals involved

  • When and how the Letters of Assurance should be completed



Canadian Wood Council Tools

CWC Tools as presented at our March 2022 WoodWorks!BC presentation.




ASTTBC offers Registered Technical Specialist certification to designers practicing in Part 9 as either a
Certified Residential Designer (CRD) or
a Registered Building Designer (RBD).
These certifications are in connection with registration as an
Applied Science Technologist (AScTs) or
a Certified Technician (CTech).

Registration can be achieved based on either educational or work experience, or a combination of both.

For former ASTTBC registrants wishing reapply contact Julie Li, Senior Coordinator of Registrants at




SoftPlan Logo.jpg

SoftPlan Architectural Software

SoftPlan Systems is a proud BCABD corporate sponsor. Since starting in Waterloo, Ontario over 35 years ago, SoftPlan has remained committed to providing building professionals throughout North America with the most complete home design software available. Try SoftPlan for yourself by visiting and downloading a free trial version.

Indigenous Awareness Canada

Indigenous Awareness Canada

The World Leader in Indigenous Awareness Training

Under the new Professional Governance Act, registered professional are required to take Indigenous Awareness training. Understanding the challenges faced by Canada’s Indigenous People will help move towards reconciliation.

Indigenous Awareness Canada is proud to partner with the BCABD to offer BCABD members a special discount on our Indigenous Awareness Training. These online skills-based training courses will provide you, or your organization, with the information needed to build effective and positive relationships with Indigenous people in Canada. 


AcoustiTech recently presented the WoodWorks! BC Webinar: Demystifying Acoustics for Wood Buildings.

The AcoustiINDEX contains a library of sound assemblies with the IIC ratings for use in a variety of situations that require sound proofing between compartments.

Construction Canada, the official publication of Construction Specifications Canada, has been uniting members of the design, building and supply sectors for more than 50 years.  This national magazine is edited exclusively to meet the needs of …

Construction Canada, the official publication of Construction Specifications Canada, has been uniting members of the design, building and supply sectors for more than 50 years.  This national magazine is edited exclusively to meet the needs of Architects, Engineers and Specification Writers.  Their content is written and peer-reviewed by industry experts ensuring a manner that speaks the technical language of building design.

They would like to offer BCABD Members a DIGITAL complimentary subscription* to Construction Canada. Simply click on the link below to confirm/fill out your contact information to begin

What is ZEBx?A centre designed to rapidly accelerate the knowledge, capacity and passion for zero emission buildings. They navigate barriers to advance the development of cost-effective, attractive, zero emission buildings at scale.  They connect the building industry to solutions, identify opportunities and broker relationships.  They foster innovation through dialogues, project tours, curated research, training and demonstrations. Excellent resource for designers working on new residential and Part 9 buildings with the goal of maximizing energy efficiency.

What is ZEBx?

A centre designed to rapidly accelerate the knowledge, capacity and passion for zero emission buildings. They navigate barriers to advance the development of cost-effective, attractive, zero emission buildings at scale.
They connect the building industry to solutions, identify opportunities and broker relationships.
They foster innovation through dialogues, project tours, curated research, training and demonstrations. Excellent resource for designers working on new residential and Part 9 buildings with the goal of maximizing energy efficiency.

Educational Videos

Educational Videos

BCABD is compiling educational videos from industry partners on a variety of design an construction related topics. Check out our library to keep up to date with industry training.

If you or your organization has a video that you think will benefit our members please let us know and we may add it to our library.

OSPG Webinar (Recording of Live Event)THIS IS A RECORDING OF A WEBINAR ORIGINALLY AIRED ON APRIL 13, 2021The Professional Governance Act (PGA) came into force on February 5th and replaces the individual statutes of regulatory bodies that govern engineers and geoscientists, applied science technology professionals, applied biology professionals, foresters, and agrologists. The webinar covers several important topics, including: • The role of the OSPG and the role of regulatory bodies • The regulation of firms program of the Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. • Existing and proposed reserved practices for the professions governed under the PGA • A new registrant and employer duty to report professional practice concerns Click this link to watch the recorded program.Further information on the OSPG can be found on their website at

OSPG Webinar (Recording of Live Event)


The Professional Governance Act (PGA) came into force on February 5th and replaces the individual statutes of regulatory bodies that govern engineers and geoscientists, applied science technology professionals, applied biology professionals, foresters, and agrologists.

The webinar covers several important topics, including:

• The role of the OSPG and the role of regulatory bodies

• The regulation of firms program of the Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C.

• Existing and proposed reserved practices for the professions governed under the PGA

• A new registrant and employer duty to report professional practice concerns

Click this link to watch the recorded program.

Further information on the OSPG can be found on their website at

BC Housing Scholarship & Grants ProgramsBC Housing provides funding for scholarships, awards, grants and training to help students in need achieve their education goals.Every year, BC Housing contributes more than $80,000 in education funds to o…

BC Housing Scholarship & Grants Programs

BC Housing provides funding for scholarships, awards, grants and training to help students in need achieve their education goals.

Every year, BC Housing contributes more than $80,000 in education funds to over 75 students across the province. They also offer funding for select scholarship, bursary, and student research programs that support B.C.’s residential construction industry. In addition, BC Housing provides opportunities for student co-op and internship programs.

Click here to review the available scholarships and grants.

Find out what you might be eligible to apply for.

Guide to Designing Residences in the ALCThis information bulletin provides guidance to assist in interpreting the Agricultural Land Commission Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 36 (ALCA) and the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation (the ALR Use Regulation), …

Guide to Designing Residences in the ALC

This information bulletin provides guidance to assist in interpreting the Agricultural Land Commission Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 36 (ALCA) and the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation (the ALR Use Regulation), in relation to residences in the agricultural land reserve (ALR). The ALCA and ALR Use Regulation will govern if inconsistent with this bulletin. This information bulletin is directed only to interpretation of the ALCA and the ALR Use Regulation. All other applicable laws, regulations and bylaws related to residential uses must also be complied with.

On July 12, 2021, government approved amendments to the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation under the Agricultural Land Commission Act. The amendments came into effect on December 31, 2021. They permit second residences on ALR parcels based on certain conditions.

Click this link to view the Guidance Material for Residences in the ALR.

Other Links

• Order In Council No. 438/2021 November 2021 2
• B.C. Reg. 190/2021
• Agricultural Land Commission Act [SBC 2002] c. 36
• Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation (B.C. Reg. 30/2019)

• The ALC also has links to the Agricultural Land Commission Act and its regulations posted on their website:

Frank Lloyd WrightTake a Tour of Pioneering Architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s Buildings with these panoramic virtual tours. American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was one of the most influential designers of modern history, and now you can tour some of his most iconic homes from your computer or tablet. Click the link here to start virtual tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic designs.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Take a Tour of Pioneering Architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s Buildings with these panoramic virtual tours. American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was one of the most influential designers of modern history, and now you can tour some of his most iconic homes from your computer or tablet. Click the link here to start virtual tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic designs.

BC Building Code 2018The Government of British Columbia and BC Housing have made the BC Building Code 2018 is available for free online. This is an excellent example of putting the needs of the public first, as all citizens can easily access code re…

BC Building Code 2018

The Government of British Columbia and BC Housing have made the BC Building Code 2018 is available for free online. This is an excellent example of putting the needs of the public first, as all citizens can easily access code requirements without any obstacle. Click the link here to view the BC Building Code for free.

Building Access  2020 HandbookAccessibility is an important issue for many in our communities and an important objective in the BC Building Code. The 2020 Building Access Handbook is an updated illustrative guide produced by the Government of BC to explain the accessibility requirements in the BC Building Code 2018. Click here to download the Building Access Handbook.

Building Access
2020 Handbook

Accessibility is an important issue for many in our communities and an important objective in the BC Building Code. The 2020 Building Access Handbook is an updated illustrative guide produced by the Government of BC to explain the accessibility requirements in the BC Building Code 2018. Click here to download the Building Access Handbook.

Rebate Search ToolFind rebates for building or renovating a new home. CleanBC Better Homes is BC’s online hub for homeowners and businesses to access information, rebates and support to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in new and exist…

Rebate Search Tool

Find rebates for building or renovating a new home. CleanBC Better Homes is BC’s online hub for homeowners and businesses to access information, rebates and support to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in new and existing homes and buildings. CleanBC Better Homes is funded by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada under the Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund. CleanBC Better Homes rebates are administered by BC Hydro, FortisBC and BC Housing. Click the link to use the Clean BC Rebate Search Tool.

FortisBC New Home ProgramFortisBC’s New Home Construction program is designed to support the adoption of the BC Energy Step Code, advance higher efficiency new construction, and enable homeowners to enjoy lower energy bills and more comfor…

FortisBC New Home Program

FortisBC’s New Home Construction program is designed to support the adoption of the BC Energy Step Code, advance higher efficiency new construction, and enable homeowners to enjoy lower energy bills and more comfortable, durable, and healthy homes. The FortisBC New Home Step Code Rebates are available for homes with building permits after March 29, 2018. These rebates are offered until December 31, 2021. Click the link to learn more.

cleanbc better homes.jpeg

CleanBC Better Homes New Construction Program

The CleanBC Better Homes New Construction Program provides rebates up to $15,000 for the construction of new, high-performance, electric homes. Through the CleanBC plan, the Province is supporting the adoption of the BC Energy Step Code and making energy efficient, climate-friendly homes more affordable and accessible for British Columbians. Click the link to learn more.

RoadMap 2030

BC is taking the next big step on their continent-leading CleanBC plan and introducing new measures, so that we can meet our emissions reduction targets for 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

Residential Design & Construction GuidesBC Housing has made available an outstanding library of construction guides dealing with subjects such as seismic bracing, building envelope, thermal bridging, and more. Click the link here to view the ent…

Residential Design & Construction Guides

BC Housing has made available an outstanding library of construction guides dealing with subjects such as seismic bracing, building envelope, thermal bridging, and more. Click the link here to view the entire BC Housing library of Residential Design & Construction Guides.

NAFS CalculatorFenestration Canada has provided an excellent online performance calculator for determining the NAFS requirements for windows and doors. Click the link here to the Fenestration Canada Performance Calculator.

NAFS Calculator

Fenestration Canada has provided an excellent online performance calculator for determining the NAFS requirements for windows and doors. Click the link here to the Fenestration Canada Performance Calculator.

The Canadian Wood CouncilThe Canadian Wood Council has provided a free collection of technical publications focusing on promoting the use of wood in construction. Click the link here to view the CWC Free Technical publications.

The Canadian Wood Council

The Canadian Wood Council has provided a free collection of technical publications focusing on promoting the use of wood in construction. Click the link here to view the CWC Free Technical publications.

Roof Snow Load CalculatorHelpful online tool for calculating roof snow loads. Jabacus Online Calculations.

Roof Snow Load Calculator

Helpful online tool for calculating roof snow loads. Jabacus Online Calculations.

Energy Step Code Best Practices GuideBC Housing has produced a useful guide explaining the Energy Step Code and is a resource for all local governments in British Columbia that are interested in referencing the BC Energy Step Code in policies, progr…

Energy Step Code Best Practices Guide

BC Housing has produced a useful guide explaining the Energy Step Code and is a resource for all local governments in British Columbia that are interested in referencing the BC Energy Step Code in policies, programs, or bylaws. Click the link here to download the BC Energy Step Code: Best Practices Guide v.2.0.

BC Energy Step Code Design GuideThe guide helps in understanding the benefits and impacts of key design strategies necessary to achieve each step of the standard, including both mechanical and envelope strategies. It also offers a graphic explanatio…

BC Energy Step Code Design Guide

The guide helps in understanding the benefits and impacts of key design strategies necessary to achieve each step of the standard, including both mechanical and envelope strategies. It also offers a graphic explanation of more detailed implementation tactics related to heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) solutions and strategies. Click the link here to download the BC Energy Step Code Design Guide.

Home Warranty InsuranceTips to help home buyers and homeowners understand the basics of home warranty insurance, and their rights and responsibilities.  Click the link here to download the Home Warranty Insurance Guide.

Home Warranty Insurance

Tips to help home buyers and homeowners understand the basics of home warranty insurance, and their rights and responsibilities. Click the link here to download the Home Warranty Insurance Guide.

BC Building Code Technical BulletinsWhen updates or changes are made to the BC Building Code technical bulletins are released to provide more detail and help clarify code provisions for builders and building professionals.  Click here to see a list …

BC Building Code Technical Bulletins

When updates or changes are made to the BC Building Code technical bulletins are released to provide more detail and help clarify code provisions for builders and building professionals. Click here to see a list of the BC Building Code 2018 Technical Bulletins.

Code InterpretationsThe BC Building Code Interpretation Committee is a volunteer committee that provides uniform, province-wide, non-binding interpretations of the BC Building Code and the BC Plumbing Code. Anyone can request a code interp…

Code Interpretations

The BC Building Code Interpretation Committee is a volunteer committee that provides uniform, province-wide, non-binding interpretations of the BC Building Code and the BC Plumbing Code. Anyone can request a code interpretation, or ask for clarification on the Codes by completing the online Interpretation Request Form. Click the link here to view past Building Code interpretations.

Building Act

The Building Act Guide provides information about the Building Act for local governments, building officials and those working in the building construction sector. The guide is presented in sections and explains what the act is, how stakeholders are affected, and procedures that result from the act. Click the link here to view the Building Act Guide.

Preparing for the Owner Builder Authorization ExamThe guide answers commonly asked questions, explains how to take the exam, where to take the exam, what to bring, and more. Click the link here to download the Study Guide.

Preparing for the Owner Builder Authorization Exam

The guide answers commonly asked questions, explains how to take the exam, where to take the exam, what to bring, and more. Click the link here to download the Study Guide.

Building Smart WebinarsBC Housing has made available their series of Building Smart webinars that allow you to learn at your own pace. These webinars qualify for CPD points for organizations such as ASTTBC, BOABC, and AIBC. The pay per use webinars …

Building Smart Webinars

BC Housing has made available their series of Building Smart webinars that allow you to learn at your own pace. These webinars qualify for CPD points for organizations such as ASTTBC, BOABC, and AIBC. The pay per use webinars are an excellent way to continue expanding your knowledge. Click here to view the BC Housing Learning on Demand Building Smart Webinars.

Building Smart Video PresentationsBC Housing has developed in collaboration with industry partners, the Building Smart video and publication series provides up-to-date Building Code information and best practices for the construction and design of h…

Building Smart Video Presentations

BC Housing has developed in collaboration with industry partners, the Building Smart video and publication series provides up-to-date Building Code information and best practices for the construction and design of homes in British Columbia. Please note these helpful reference and study tools for Licensed Residential Builders are not approved for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points. Click the link here to view the library of BC Housing Building Smart Video Presentations.

Simpson Strong-Tie Software and Web PublicationsSimpson Strong-Tie has made available a collection of web tools and documents for choosing and sizing holdowns, connectors, straps, anchors and more. CAD, Revit, Bluebeam and other details are availabl…

Simpson Strong-Tie Software and Web Publications

Simpson Strong-Tie has made available a collection of web tools and documents for choosing and sizing holdowns, connectors, straps, anchors and more. CAD, Revit, Bluebeam and other details are available to download. Whether you are designing a pergola, calculating a roof slope and skew, or choosing the right connection these tools are very useful. Click the link here to see the full library of Simpson Strong-Tie Software and Web Publication.

Weyerhaeuser Forte® Web SoftwareWhether you’re an architect, engineer or design professional sizing joists, beams, posts or studs, Forte®WEB software performs member calculations and identifies solutions for the conditions and geometry you specify. …

Weyerhaeuser Forte® Web Software

Whether you’re an architect, engineer or design professional sizing joists, beams, posts or studs, Forte®WEB software performs member calculations and identifies solutions for the conditions and geometry you specify. Size members for a specific spacing, depth or the best economical fit. ForteWEB is the next generation of Weyerhaeuser member sizing software available as a web-based application. ForteWEB can do everything you would expect from a member sizing software and more. Click this link to access Forte® Web.

LTSA Apps to Search for Land Titles, Plans, and ParcelsThe Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA) has some very useful apps online to get much of the information you or your client need about any property in BC. Order titles, pla…

LTSA Apps to Search for Land Titles, Plans, and Parcels

The Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA) has some very useful apps online to get much of the information you or your client need about any property in BC. Order titles, plans and State of Title Certificates with myLTSA Explorer. An excellent resource for searching for registered survey plans for projects or submissions. Click here to access or setup an account with myLTSA Explorer. If you already have an account you can login by clicking this link to MyLTSA login.

Or Search for land parcel details with ParcelMap BC and find out legal descriptions, PID’s, assessments, and civic addresses. Click here to access ParcelMap BC.

Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction by CMHCCanadian Wood-Frame House Construction by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been a popular publication for builders, homeowners (current and prospective) and students of housing technolo…

Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction by CMHC

Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been a popular publication for builders, homeowners (current and prospective) and students of housing technology since its first edition appeared in 1967. It continues to be a widely used reference for numerous college and university courses and is one of many continuing efforts by CMHC to provide accessible, affordable and sustainable housing for Canadians. Click here to view and download the Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction Handbook.

Owens Corning Effective Thermal Resistance Calculator.The Owens Corning effective thermal resistance calculator uses the calculation methodology, material values and framing factors listed in appendix A- of the National Building Code of Ca…

Owens Corning Effective Thermal Resistance Calculator.

The Owens Corning effective thermal resistance calculator uses the calculation methodology, material values and framing factors listed in appendix A- of the National Building Code of Canada. This calculator is useful for designers wanting to specify particular products from Owens Corning. Click here to use the Effective Thermal Resistance Calculator.

Council Effective R CalculatorThe purpose of this R Value online tool is to provide designers with climate zone-appropriate insulated wall assembly solutions that are easily comparable with national and provincial energy efficiency prescriptive prov…

Council Effective R Calculator

The purpose of this R Value online tool is to provide designers with climate zone-appropriate insulated wall assembly solutions that are easily comparable with national and provincial energy efficiency prescriptive provisions.

Each assembly lists the Effective thermal resistance for complying with the National Building Code (NBC) for houses and the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) for larger buildings

Each assembly comes with a climate-specific colour-coded durability assessment, which has been determined considering computer analysis and field experience by building science experts in Canada.

Click the link here to use The Effective R Calculator tool (Optimized for best performance in Google Chrome).

Residential Structural Design Guide

The Residential Structural Design Guide contains basic engineering concepts regarding safety, load path, and the structural system response of residential buildings. Prepared for the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. This document is a unique and comprehensive tool for design professionals, particularly structural engineers, seeking to provide value-added services to the producers and consumers of American housing.


Engineered Wood Construction Guide

This guide from APA is designed as a reference manual for both residential and commercial construction. It contains up-to-date information on APA Performance Rated panels; gluam; I-joists; structural composite lumber; cross-laminated timber; specification practices; floor, wall and roof systems; diaphragms and shear walls; fire-rated systems and methods of finishing.