Code of Ethics
BCABD|BC Association of Building Designers
All members of the BC Association of Building Designers (BCABD) must read and agree to the Terms of Membership and the Code of Ethics to be approved as members.
Code of Ethics
All members of the BC Association of Building Designers (BCABD) recognize a sense of responsibility to behave in an ethical manner and follow the code of ethics to the best of their ability.
A member shall report unethical or incompetent conduct of any member of BCABD.
A member shall not falsely claim or imply possession of any title, qualification or level of competence of which the member is not entitled.
A member shall at all times fully and truthfully describe the level and extent of his or her training, skills, qualifications and experience.
A member shall make an effort to follow a program of continuing education and maintain a level of proficiency that will meet the needs of the public.
A member shall not act in a manner or use their BCABD membership in any way likely to bring the BCABD into disrepute.
A member shall act faithfully and honorably in their business dealings and have proper regard for the interests of their client or employer.
A member shall not undertake any work of a specialized nature, which is knowingly outside the scope of their competence.
A member shall not seek directly or indirectly to supplant another member or professional person, or to indirectly injure the professional reputation, prospects or business of another for the purpose of gain, personal enhancement or for any other reason.
A member shall follow all laws, bylaws, and codes in respect to their work as a building design professional and not knowingly disobey the authorities having jurisdiction.
A member will respect the Copyright Act and will not knowingly use, copy, or modify another design professional's work without first receiving permission in writing to do so.
A member will fulfill the conditions of any contract he has made with a client.
A member will not involve BCABD, it’s name, logo, website, or anything representing BCABD in any political, social, personal, commercial, or any other endeavor without express written approval from BCABD.