The Span Book 2020
This new edition of The Span Book includes added tables for deck joists and beams, more lintel options, and recalculates all spans using revised shear properties. Produced by the Canadian Wood Council.
Published December 2020
BCABD also recommends that Building Designers purchase the Engineering Guide for Wood Frame Construction 2014, scroll down to see this publication which has been prepared for Building Designers, Building Officials, Engineers, Builders on the structural design of wood elements and connections that fall within the scope of Part 9. (See BCBC
Effective R Calculator
The Effective R Calculator tool is fully optimized for best performance in Google Chrome.
The purpose of this R Value online tool is to provide designers with climate zone-appropriate insulated wall assembly solutions that are easily comparable with national and provincial energy efficiency prescriptive provisions.
Each assembly lists:
Effective thermal resistance Reff* for complying with the National Building Code (NBC) for houses and the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) for larger buildings
Installed R-value for complying with the Ontario Building Code
Centre of cavity R-value for complying with the Quebec Construction Code.
CWC Beam Calculator
The Canadian Wood Council’s Beam Calculator has been developed for the purpose of information only. Although all possible efforts have been made to ensure that the information from this tool is accurate, the CWC cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy or exactness of the information. Reference should always be made to the appropriate building code and/or standard. The Calculator should not be relied upon as a substitute for legal or design advice, and its user is responsible for how it is used or applied.
WoodWorks® Software
WoodWorks® is a must-have tool for structural engineers to quickly design light-frame or heavy timber construction based on the latest codes and standards.
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Engineering Guide for Wood Frame Construction 2014
The Engineering Guide for Wood Frame Construction provides guidance to engineers, building designers, building officials, builders, and students of these disciplines, on the structural design of wood elements and connections for wood frame buildings that fall within the scope of Part 9 of the NBC. The 2014 Edition of the Guide was revised in order to conform to changes in the 2015 edition of the NBC.
CSA O86 Engineering design in wood
The CSA O86 provides rational approaches for structural design checks related to ultimate limit states, such as flexure, shear, and bearing, as well as serviceability limit states, such as deflection and vibration. The CSA O86 also contains strength modification factors for behaviour related to duration of load, size effects, service condition, lateral stability, system effects, preservative and fire-retardant treatment, notches, slenderness, and length of bearing.
CWC YouTube Channel
The Canadian Wood Council (CWC) represents the Canadian wood products industry through a national federation of associations. The Mission of the Council is to expand market access and increase demand for Canadian wood products through excellence in codes, standards, regulations and education. The CWC’s vision is to be passionate, credible agents of change leading to an advanced and sustainable wood culture. The CWC YouTube Channel has technical and training videos as well as award programs presented by the Canadian Wood Council and WoodWorks!