BCABD Member Directory
Disclaimer: Individuals, companies, or organizations listed in the BCABD Member Directory do not indicate a professional or personal endorsement by BCABD, and BCABD does not bear any responsibility for the personal or professional actions of the individuals, companies, or organizations listed. Your use of the Member Directory is at your own risk and BCABD will not be accountable for any damages to the user or the individual member, organization, or company. All members requesting their name be posted in the directory must first read and agree to the Code of Ethics, and must agree to any changes to this Code as updates are shared with BCABD members. Members listed with the ASTTBC designation have taken the extra step to become professionally certified with ASTTBC as a Certified Residential Designer (CRD) or a Registered Building Designer (RBD), proving their educational and experiential history as part of their certification. Other members carry additional educational or professional credentials, these are listed under their personal names as provided by the member to BCABD. If you feel that the practices of the members listed below do not reflect the terms of the Code of Ethics or believe that any individuals, companies, or organizations listed should not appear in this Member Directory, or have misrepresented their credentials, please contact us by email at info@bcabd.org.