International Building Designer Day 2021: A New Day, A New Design
The theme of International Building Designer Day 2021 is A New Day, A New Design . The goal of #IBDD is to challenge your colleagues to answer some pivotal questions regarding the global building industry and built environment.
Participants worldwide are invited to gather, innovate, and live out a moment of design by organising public events and initiatives.
There are many ways to celebrate!
All building design disciplines and forms of expression are welcome. Share by sending us the documentation of what you see or what you do: videos, photos, drawings, maps, here are some kickstart ideas:
Go public on local design . Organise local talks or presentations about examples of A New Day, A New Design!
Take us on a tour, or a virtual tour. Organise a walk with members of the design community, touring your city and surroundings in search of local examples of New Design!
Design together. Bring people from various disciplines to frame and solve local design problems. Send us the documentation!
Open your studio. Share your New Day, New Design in Action! Showing the community examples of what great design means to you and how design can help the world and solve problems.
Document your process by expressing A New Day, A New Design, by sharing examples of great design in your community.
Work with local governments to recognize International Building Designer Day and take a stance on the community impact of the profession.
Participate on social media by sharing your discoveries of innovative designs that create surprising solutions to meet local needs or designs in any discipline that positively affect the environment around you.
#IBDD Hashtag
Discuss and share ideas on social media
We encourage you to post about issues relating to the theme on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Share with us your historical tidbits, or inspiring stories, the advocacy work of designers that have or are inspiring you. Post and tag us so that we can see and share your stories. Posts can include: personal stories, historical information, inspiring anecdotes, issues in the headlines that highlight the need for professionalism in design, forgotten figures in design history and their contributions.
Celebrate #IBDD Day!