Building Knowledge – Best Practices for Accessory Dwelling Units
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm (PDT)
Price: Free
In many communities across BC, there continues to be an increased demand for rental housing and housing diversity. Despite the introduction of policies and zoning that support secondary suites and accessory dwelling units (ADUs), there has been a slow uptake of these housing options. A recent report Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Studies and Best Practices from BC Communities conducted by WCS Engagement and Planning, and BC Housing, examined the main barriers limiting the construction of this built form in B.C.’s small and medium-sized communities.
This webinar will cover leading practices in policy and bylaw amendments, community engagement, and other initiatives to more successfully implement ADUs.
This online event will be of particular interest to planners, local governments and municipal officials looking to better understand tools available to facilitate the implementation of ADUs in their community.
Guest Speakers
Dan Wilson (B.Comm, M.Sc)
Dan has worked in a research capacity, community planning and program delivery, as well as public engagement for 20 years. His experience includes assisting over 25 local governments, non-profits, First Nations and corporate clients, many with a unique need for tourism planning guidance. More recently, Dan has worked on housing research projects and completed various housing needs assessments.
Cheeying Ho (B.Sc, M.Ed)
Cheeying has over 25 years of experience in community planning, engagement and sustainability, and is a seasoned facilitator. She provides strategy, creative process design and engagement tools for local governments, private sector clients, and non-profit organizations. She develops and executes innovative community development focused programs to support community goals.
Prior to her role at the Whistler Centre for Sustainability, Cheeying was the Executive Director of Smart Growth BC, the leading province-wide non-governmental organization advancing sustainable land use and development that was largely responsible for getting ‘smart growth’ into planning practice in B.C.
Contact Information
Phone: 604-439-4135